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Blog 8-21-2020


Book 18 and of PNW Affliction wrapup thoughts.

Fall of 2016 was very bad. That’s when the dreams started, and I couldn’t get them out of my head and had to start writing. I knew though, if enough people stood up, we could buy ourselves some time. As I had predicted, enough people had the same idea, but the other side exponentially increased as predicted and soon managed to out train and out fundraise through crowdsourcing and pooling unemployment.

At that point I’d calculated Fall of 2018 to be the clear point of collapse, then it seemed more like Fall of 2019. It seemed like each time we were able to find ways to postpone the apocalypse by tiny amounts. Then 2020 hit and it was officially declared “The new normal” once mainstream media couldn’t cover it up anymore.

If election 2020 was as bad as 2016’s was, or probably likely worse, it will be a challenge to rebound from. I don’t think T-Man can buy us anymore time. The politicians have it rigged to where they refuse to help, then blame him if he helps.

If anything I think Covid bought us more time. On the one hand it fast tracked the other side’s financing and planning, but it messed up their recruiting and indoctrination. Now parents are beginning to demand to supervise the classes since they’re stuck at home with their kids anyway.

Since we’re in second generation already due to the college grads teaching the next generation, maybe this put a temporary wrench in their curriculum. Similarly to how once parents started trying to figure out Common Core to help their kids with homework, it quickly fell apart under any scrutiny and transparency.

So the next few years will be interesting. Vaccine for an incurable virus sounds like flu shots all over again. Society is ripe for a visible identifier proving people’ve had vaccines, which all considered doesn’t sound like a good combo. Then you’ve got the doxxing and getting constantly DDOS’d, independent journalists constantly getting attacked if they don’t self-censor. Social media keeps trying to censor the violence, but it keeps getting shared anyway. Nobody’s fooled anymore.

It all brought us to this weird WROL middle ground where there seems to be rule of law only half the day now. People come out during the day and half-nervously amuse each other that the whole thing’s fake, then they hunker down every night knowing whatever they do to defend themselves is going to get scrutinized to the nth degree the next day. If their guns get taken away, everyone will know and they’ll be vulnerable again the next night.

Every day though, its crept more and more out into the daytime. Harder and harder to keep a lid on. Pushing out from the cities into the rural areas more and more. And more of the rural areas keep saying they don’t want to be a part of it. Then the rural areas get demonized for wanting to be left alone.

Then you have the eviction ban in conjunction with uncontrolled unemployment. That hammer could drop any day, and nobody’ll admit what the real numbers are for how many people are queued up to get evicted. Based off unemployment numbers it could be a lot.

The only choice is to keep moving to more and more conservative areas. That’s unsustainable though. If we give up the last few counties we have, we’ll essentially be forced into the center of the US or any rural counties with no cities in them. Then there won't be representation anymore for the rural areas, rinse repeat. But the cities are being attacked from within to the point of the stores being boarded up and shut down, which increases gentrification and low rent condos/apartments. Then try to dissolve law enforcement but take away everyone's way of defending themselves.

So let's keep voting and hold onto our counties that we've got. And keep reaching out, making friends, and doing your best. Try to find reasons to stay together and keep moving forward. We'll get through this together.

Thanks for sticking with me again through this PNW Affliction adventure.

If things end up okay in a year, I'll be doing an encyclopedia of the first 18 books, I'll try my best but no promises.

Don't think of this as much like the end, but another beginning.  Take care buddies and ty for all the awesome love and support over the last 4 years. Take care.



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