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Book #13 first draft is done

Hello All,

I know it took forever, but I finally got the blog created.

The first draft of book #13 is done, finally. I know it took forever. I've had these hiccups in the past. The only other one I remember as significant was #4 but I swear there was a second one I got stuck on for a bit.

It was basically the same as this one. I had the first "act" written and knew where it needed to end up, but the entire middle part refused to coagulate in my brain. When it finally did, the darn book wrote itself within a few days and ended up being the longest book I'd written so far.

Basically takes place in California during its collapse, which happens a while before the PNW Collapse. A brave studly man fights off cartels to find a distress signal he thinks came from a prior group that he accidentally inspired and now feels responsible for.

So anyway, onto some nerd stats for book #13.

It's a little over 30,400 words. According to Excel that puts it a little higher than the average of 27,300 words.

It's my fourth book with female main characters in it. Book 6, 11, and 12 all sport female main characters.

It's my first book showcasing California as a location. I'd teased it in a prior book or two, and now it's actually an official location central to the story. Mainly the middle third and the Southern third.

This book like almost every book I've written before, for PNW Affliction starts out with an extremely basic premise and practically writes itself. If I'm not 100% interested in what I'm writing, it gets scrapped, rewritten, or completely reworked. I still end up with favorites, but damn, I love them all and each one has earned their way into the series. None of them are "phoned in" and they all follow the exact same organic development cycle. None of them feel forced, stale, repetitive, or formulaic.

They all finish exactly when it feels like they're done. Sure, the next one doesn't always start where the prior left off, but they were never meant to be told in order anyway. They come out in the order that I have the emotional capacity to write them in.

This's pure creativity dump. No length rules, no story rules. Only real rules are that I gloss over the adult stuff and they don't have swearing. It bums me out that I can't have it a little more adult, but it starts to get pretty uncomfortable really quick, so I have to dial it back.

If I ever made a million dollars off these, I'd go back and make "unrated" versions. I think it'd be pretty cool. In the mean time, you have to use your imagination. ;)

So look forward to book #13 soon. I just need to review the draft and make sure the time line aligns properly. Thanks as always!


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