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Showing posts from August, 2020

book 18 first draft done, 84k words

 book 18 first draft done, 84k words. on solid writing days I was writing round 10-12k words per day which is insanely ambitious. Tons of positive energy in chat is what kept that going. Thanks everyone for the awesome outpouring. this book isn't too big or too small, it's just right! It might get a tiny bit bigger as I do a second draft, but I'm very happy with it. Tells 18 great stories.  I wish i could have done more, but this timing is perfect. I got 16 stories done a bit ahead of time, and had time to squeeze in two more. It'll take about two weeks'ish to do a second draft and if there isnt anything i glaringly missed and no compelling reasons to squeeze in more stories, I'm very happy with 18 stories for book #18.  I initially wanted it to be huge, but then upon reviewing the timeline and the enormous amount of physical and mental effort it takes to write stories, I realized it would have taken probably a year or so. Ironically I had initially given myself

Blog 8-21-2020

  Book 18 and of PNW Affliction wrapup thoughts. Fall of 2016 was very bad. That’s when the dreams started, and I couldn’t get them out of my head and had to start writing. I knew though, if enough people stood up, we could buy ourselves some time. As I had predicted, enough people had the same idea, but the other side exponentially increased as predicted and soon managed to out train and out fundraise through crowdsourcing and pooling unemployment. At that point I’d calculated Fall of 2018 to be the clear point of collapse, then it seemed more like Fall of 2019. It seemed like each time we were able to find ways to postpone the apocalypse by tiny amounts. Then 2020 hit and it was officially declared “The new normal” once mainstream media couldn’t cover it up anymore. If election 2020 was as bad as 2016’s was, or probably likely worse, it will be a challenge to rebound from. I don’t think T-Man can buy us anymore time. The politicians have it rigged to where they refuse to help,

BOOK 18 status

 Book 18 first draft is done. Over 72k words. I wanted it to be bigger but I'm flat out out of time.  I'm putting a little blog at the end of it since its going to be my last traditional book. It's getting harder to write. I notice the last 30% of each book gets very hard to write. Like stuffing water in a water bottle that's already full, but trying to get the last airbubbles out.  My heads getting fuzzier again and I notice I'm making a lot more typos. I probably have another of bad migraine episodes coming.  Plus the news is getting worse. So hopefully putting the blog at the end of my book is a nice book-end to the whole thing. Sort of explained how I came up with the timeline and my predictions for the near future. Going to try to squeeze in a few more stories into book 18 and plan on publishing it Sept 15th. Hopefully a few more lighthearted stories instead of all the doom and gloom, it's hard to find escapism right now, so we'll see. I know i could ha