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book 17 first draft done and status

book 17 first draft done

Good grief. It came together amazing. It was a hard push, I'm going to be honest. But 75k words later, and I have a first draft.

There is a few minor updates I need to make, but its like 99% complete.

This's going to be my last book for a long time. I set up for a book 18 though if I ever want to make one. but have no arc at this time, and it'd be a long, long time off.

For now I'm going to be working on edits for a very very very long time. Nice, peaceful relaxing edits.

I've already done some very very therapeutic edits to book 1, so now's the best time ever to go check it out. But I'll be starting with book 1 and working my way through.

Then when I'm all done with edits. I'm going to make an anthology pt1 and an anthology pt2. although they won't be nearly as fancy as the first edition anthology 1 was. I flat out forgot how I did a lot of that formatting and can't even come close to replicating it, so it will be a lot more basic, sorry. Specifically when it comes to page numbers.

If I have an extremely lazy saturday i'll try to get the formatting down but I kid you not that was like 6 hours to format the first anthology and I can't remember how I did any of it. It revolves around resetting page counts over and over, then editing footing formatting for every other page, and ignoring formatting on the first pages, and it was HARRRRRRD. yes it looked amazing. but it was HARD. So we'll see.

Then after that I'm going to work on a huge text to speech project if I can get ahold of a TTS programmer. I know one but he hasn't been online unfortunately. with the TTS I can make my own audiobooks without paying amazon a bajillion dollars only for the books to get pirated in two seconds. So that'll be cool.

so that's my plan for like the next 6 months to a year. happy 2020. thanks for sticking with me. if you've read my books and not left feedback, please do. Every single feedback is insanely helpful. Thanks so much. Stick together. Don't get divided over stupid stuff. Peace.


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