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Books renumbered on Amazon

Due to overwhelming feedback, the naming convention on Amazon for my books has been updated. No more roman numerals, except on the book covers. This would take forever to fix because Amazon doesn't have a super simple way of changing a single character on a book title that I can find, even though I made those in their system. It looks like they don't save it anywhere that I can tell.

Suffice it to say everywhere else, the book numbers should be updated. I overestimated people's familiarity with roman numerals. Is what it is. Switching everything to numbers. It looks a little more basic, but I guess it sounds like that's what everyone wants. So I'll go with it and see how it does.

Please let me know what you think? Amazon should have everything updated by tomorrow, hopefully. Thanks as always.

Note 1: Amazon's "series" functionality still doesn't work. I have a note in to them, and I'll see if I can get them to set it up.

Note 2: Me updating the books still isn't sending updates to everyone. This's been a problem for over 3 years now and I don't know why they can't fix it. I'm trying though!

Note 3: Stopped working on individual print copies. Amazon is not handling the linking properly at all. I'm going to do a 3-book standalone when I'm done with book 18. I'm not fighting that uphill battle anymore. It makes me no money. Costs you all a fortune, and you get very little value out of it. I'd rather sell 3 giant books that are actually valuable to you, and have the storefront formatting actually working properly.

As always don't hesitate to send me ideas for what goes into book 18 if you've read the prior books and want me to expand on any story threads. :) I'm adding new ones every few days, and will be writing book 18 for quite a while.


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