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Showing posts from September, 2018

9/5/2018 update

Free book weekend went good. Gave away 36 more books between book #1 and book #5. Slowly working on book #14 and 15 at the same time. I hate it when this happens. I still don't have a tablet I can type on to write books when I'm actually inspired so I have two spiral bound notebooks alternating between two stories. I decided to shelve part of 14 and make it into a standalone novel, the other part of 14 will focus on the core of the story I was trying to tell instead of running off with itself. #13 just needs to be edited. I'm 3-4 books behind in my editing and half the people that've read my books only comment is, "I need an editor." If they only knew how much that would cost me. I have reached out to several publishers and the responses range to being ignored to flat out insulted at the sheer thought of it. You're apparently supposed to do the whole thing yourself, then hire someone who pitches your book or some nonsense, whatever. Wtf is the point of