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Showing posts from July, 2018

PNW Affliction 1: Recycled - The Retrospective

PNW Affliction 1: Recycled - The Retrospective Alright. This's been a long time coming, and there's probably no real better place to start than at the beginning. Spoilers abound, although this's mostly "behind the story" type stuff. This book isn't actually the beginning of the story by any means. It's the beginning of the main character though, and it's how this whole "universe" got started. Basically I had a dream one night of walking and it getting progressively darker until there was no light left. Just like nearly every single one of my books, this started out with a basic premise. Really no more than a "first act" if you will. I wrote the first act, peppered in with some things that were real, like me having a cat that played with a plastic bag while I tried to sleep. I can't exactly remembered where the premise came from for act two, except that I've always been fascinated by recycling and the recycling logo.

Plans for the blog

There's a few things (besides basic updates and status) I've wanted to do for a long time. I'd been doing some of them on Facebook, but due to the cancerous algorithms, even people who followed my page rarely got to see updates amongst all of the paid advertising spam. So here we go, in no particular order. Retrospectives: Basically go over the design process of each book. Some of them are fairly interesting, and only a handful were straight forward. Word count: Every time there's a new book, or I do edits that change the word count of the books by more than a hundred words or so, I like to keep that updated. It's fun for me. Artwork: I generated quite a bit of artwork for these stories. Not nearly as much as the webcomic project I did before this, but still quite a significant amount. Also to include the back story on each piece. Although I'm a little divided on whether I should do that here or on DeviantArt. We'll see. Maybe if the feedback is positi

Book #13 first draft is done

Hello All, I know it took forever, but I finally got the blog created. The first draft of book #13 is done, finally. I know it took forever. I've had these hiccups in the past. The only other one I remember as significant was #4 but I swear there was a second one I got stuck on for a bit. It was basically the same as this one. I had the first "act" written and knew where it needed to end up, but the entire middle part refused to coagulate in my brain. When it finally did, the darn book wrote itself within a few days and ended up being the longest book I'd written so far. Basically takes place in California during its collapse, which happens a while before the PNW Collapse. A brave studly man fights off cartels to find a distress signal he thinks came from a prior group that he accidentally inspired and now feels responsible for. So anyway, onto some nerd stats for book #13. It's a little over 30,400 words. According to Excel that puts it a little highe