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Showing posts from March, 2022

3.18.2022 news

 Hi All. Book 22 is in the rear-view, and working on a very fun compilation, as well as super short stories (<1000 word stories) I call 'coffee stories' until I can find a new place and settle back down. (Replacing the content from the bunker tier on Patreon, with a lot higher, more consistent content. Posted here: Patreon was taking way too much $, so I started a new site on 'coffee' link below. Putting the 'coffee' stories on there, which are typically under 1000 words and will be exclusive for the year I wrote them in. Then the next year they'll be exclusive to print. They're way less stress for me to write these tiny stories, as they take only about 45 min a piece, instead of days a piece in the case of a short story, or months in the case of a novel. On a personal note, the prospects of getting a new place (Again) are very grim. Not only are houses triple what they were the last time we bought a house, b