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Showing posts from September, 2020

Book 18 done, 100k words

Book 18 done, 100k words It's going through the Amazon review process now, should be up within a few days. My 3rd 18+ book in the series, this book hopefully ties up all the loose burning questions everyone had, while continuing some existing characters and answering a ton of questions. Don't worry there will be lots of new questions too! I took in all your feedback, hopefully got everything in there. I had originally wanted roughly 20 stories but I didn't have time to squeeze in the last two. My deadline was today 9/15 set about two months ago when I realized how bad it was getting. Book 18 so 18 stories seemed legit plus they are really tight stories and I didn't come up with any more that fit my 3-point criteria in time.  This book was literally up to the last second deadline-wise. I'll write more about it later if people want. Super busy! Thanks! Horray! -CP