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Showing posts from April, 2019

Book #15 go live imminent!

84,000 words, easily most ambitious book to date by a huge margin. I have a 16th book well in the works with a 17th in the far off future. Every time I say "its my last one" two more ideas pop into my mind. I think I might even have an 18th, but I'm not 100% sure about that one. Basically #15 is Sealth (aka Seattle) 16 will be Portlandia (aka portland. earthquakes, floods, explosions, and more!) 17th Astoria (its going to tidal wave + flood, spoilers!) 18th Olympia??? (dont have a premise for this one yet) Maybe the homeless will take it over and make it into a fking kickass sprawling homeless metropolis. :O Already have several stories covering Puyallup and the garbage dump known as Everett. Several stories covering Olympic peninsula. Debating one about Bremerton, still not sure yet. We'll see how well #15, 16, 17 is received. Thanks as always! Tell you friends and take care. Tons more to come. Chance